Services Institute of Medical Sciences


📅 Date: 07th , October 2024 , Monday
🏛️ Venue: Services Institute of Medical Sciences / Services Hospital Lahore
🏛️ Department : Academic Council Hall SIMS

7th October, 2024 marked the superannuation of Prof. Khalid Waheed. The Academic Council of Services Institute of Medical Sciences Lahore , convened in committee room to bid him farewell. The citation of his illustrious career was recited by Prof. khawaja Mohsin Ihsan. He highlighted the salient features of his eminent and scintillating career, his services as master teacher and trainer and his initiatives for human resource and infrastructure development.

All faculty members expressed their wishes for Prof. Khalid Waheed on this momentous occasion.

Principal SIMS Prof. Zohra Khanum congratulated him for a blemish free and brilliant career . She lauded him for being a staunch and supportive faculty member and proving his mettle not only in his specialty, but also rendering services to the hospital and college whenever needed.

The meeting concluded with group photo of the academic council and presentation of souvenir to Prof. Khalid Waheed..

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