Services Institute of Medical Sciences


📅 Date: 08th , October 2024 , Tuesday
🏛️ Department : Skill Lab
🏛️ Venue: Skills and Simulation lab Services Hospital Lahore
A successful orientation program of skills and simulation lab of Services Hospital Lahore was done . This occasion was graced by the Principal Services Institute of Medical Sciences / SHL , LHR Professor Zohra Khanum & Medical Superintendent Dr Abdul Mudabbir Rehan. The event was organized by the commendable efforts of Dean of Surgery Prof. Dr. Muhammad Nadeem Aslam.
This event was attended by the distinguished members of faculty, professors, consultants and residents of Services Hospital Lahore. Professor Nadeem Aslam introduced the Lab , equipment & facilities. This skills and simulation lab is the state of art lab and one of the most advanced labs of the country .
The respected Principal stressed upon the utilization of skills lab’s resources for the training of consultants and residents and health professionals at institutional level and beyond the institution at National & International level.
In this event the goal was set to achieve National & international certification for future workshops . Program was concluded with vote of thanks by Prof Dr Tayyaba Wasim .
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