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BFHI (Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative) in collaboration with UNICEF and WHO

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Rafique HOD Paeds unit-2, hosted and organized a series of 9 workshops on BFHI (Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative) in collaboration with UNICEF and WHO. It was organised under the patronage of Prof. Zohra Khanum, Principal Services Institute of Medical Sciences. It took more than a month and total 9 facilitators from Paeds and Gynae to train more than 250 participants including doctors, nurses, LHVs, paramedics and admin. (From 18April till 18th May) Principal Services Institute of Medical Sciences, Prof. Zohra Khanum and Medical Superintendent Services Hospital Dr. Abdul Mudabbir Rehan graced the closing ceremony today. They appreciated the team of Prof. Muhammad Rafique and gave her well wishes for future endeavors. Facilitators were given certificates of appreciation and facilitation by Principal SIMS Prof Zohra Khanum, Medical Superintendent Dr. Abdul Mubabbir Rehan Services Hospital and Prof. Dr. Muhammad Rafique HOD Paeds-2.